This guide is about the top 5 dark sky locations, UK. If you’re in the USA and looking to shoot some stars, try our list of astrophotography locations in the USA. This guide to the top dark sky discovery sites in the UK covers some fantastic location to visit and shoot night-sky time-lapse or photos. Reducing light pollution […]
Tag: Night Sky
Top 10 Astrophotography Locations in the USA
If you have taken photos of the stars before, you will have seen for yourself how magical the night sky can be. On a new moon event, when the sky is at it’s darkest, the sky can be teaming with bright stars. However, if you’re near any sort of civilisation, one of the biggest challenges […]
Night Sky Time-lapse Photography Guide
We’ve compiled this night sky time-lapse photography guide to help you learn how to create the most awe-inspiring time-lapse videos there are – the night sky. Few natural phenomena can instil the same sense of wonder and awe that the night sky can. For hundreds of years, our ancestors believed that when they looked up […]