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Time-Lapse Blog

What’s The Best Tripod for Time-Lapse?

Photographer using camera tripod

Skip to Section1 Do I Even Need a Tripod?2 Understanding What Makes a Quality Tripod2.0.1 Build Quality2.0.2 Head Style2.0.3 Flexibility2.0.4 Load Capacity2.0.5 Size3 Our Top Tripods For Time-Lapse Photography What’s the best tripod for time-lapse? Looking for a tripod for shooting time-lapse with, but not sure which one’s right for you? let’s explore some of […]

Choosing a Camera Lens For Time-Lapse

DSLR Camera Lens

Skip to Section1 A Note On Creative Freedom2 Why Lens Choice Matters3 Choosing Your Lens3.0.1 Know Your Subject Matter3.0.2 Understand What Makes a Good Time-Lapse Lens Whether you’re just beginning to explore the art of time-lapse photography, or you’ve been doing it for years and are looking to take things to the next level, one […]

How to Shoot Time-Lapse with a Smartphone

Smart phone filming time lapse video

Skip to Section1 First Thing First: Android or iOS?2 Essential Mobile Time-Lapse Accessories2.0.1 UBeesize Tripod S2.0.2 Moment Lenses3 Smartphone Time-Lapse Tips and Tricks4 The Best Camera Really is The One You Have With You If you’d like to learn how to shoot time-lapse with a smartphone, this guide should serve as an introduction and answer […]

5 Essential Time-Lapse Apps

Smartphone time lapse app

Skip to Section1 1. PhotoPills1.1 Pros:1.2 Cons:2 2. Lapse It2.1 Pros:2.2 Cons:3 3. Hyperlapse From Instagram3.1 Pros:3.2 Cons:4 4. SkyFlow4.1 Pros:4.2 Cons:5 5. PicPac Stop Motion & TimeLapse5.1 Pros:5.2 Cons:6 In App Purchases7 Other Apps and Tools7.1 Latest Time-Lapse Apps8 Video Editing App8.1 Professional Time-Lapse video Solutions9 To Conclude Looking for the best Time-Lapse app? […]

What is Time-Lapse Photography?

Time lapse of passageway of people

Skip to Section0.0.1 So what is time-lapse photography and why should I care?1 How Does Time-Lapse Work?1.0.1 How long does Time Lapse photography take to make?2 Is Time-Lapse One Word?3 What is Time-Lapse Photography used for?4 Examples of Time-Lapse Photography in Action5 History of Time-Lapse Photography6 Basic Equipment Needed6.0.1 Creating Time Lapse on an iPhone6.0.2 […]

Night Sky Time-lapse Photography Guide

Night sky star trails

Skip to Section1 Intro To Night Sky time-Lapse2 What You’ll Need3 Planning Out Your Shoot3.0.1 Sky Conditions4 Finding A Dark Sky5 Setting Up To Capture Your Images5.0.1 Composition & Framing5.0.2 General Camera Settings5.1 Take a test Shot6 After The Shoot: Processing Your Images We’ve compiled this night sky time-lapse photography guide to help you learn […]

Best Cameras for Time-Lapse In 2023

Skip to Section1 What To Look For In a Time-Lapse Camera2 Best Time-Lapse Cameras for Beginners2.0.1 Nikon D5600:2.0.2 Canon EOS M1002.0.3 Sony Alpha A63003 Best Cameras for Time-Lapse for Advanced photographers and Time lapse photography3.0.1 Sony a7R III3.0.2 Canon 5D Mk IV3.0.3 Nikon D8504 Bonus: Best Night Sky Time-Lapse Photography Cameras4.0.1 Sony a7SII4.0.2 Nikon D5004.0.3 […]

Getting Started with Hyperlapse Photography

Slow shutter speed fairground ride

Skip to Section1 Making Your Own Hyperlapse Videos1.1 So, what exactly do you need to make a hyperlapse video?1.2 Standard Camera2 Essential Gear Checklist3 Fixed Point vs Pan Hyperlapse4 Setting Up The Shot4.0.1 Choosing a Subject4.0.2 Basic Camera Settings4.0.3 Mapping Out Your Route5 Grabbing Your Photos6 Next Up: Editing Your Footage Together So, what exactly […]

A Beginner’s Guide to Time Lapse Photography, Part 1

Personified Cameras in a Classroom

Skip to Section1 What Exactly Is Time-Lapse Photography?2 Recommended Gear2.1 Camera Body2.2 Lenses2.3 Tripod2.4 Intervalometer2.5 Neutral Density Filter3 A Step-by-Step Time-Lapse Photography Field Guide3.0.1 1. Setting Up The Shot3.0.2 2. Dialing In Your Settings3.0.2.1 Typical Settings At-A-Glance:3.0.3 3. Capturing The Scene4 What’s Next: Producing Your Time-Lapse Film5 What should I shoot? This beginner’s guide to […]